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Azure function runtime integration doesn't work

I work on azure synapse and I want to use an Azure function to call python code (I search to list all sheet names from excel files).

However I don't understand how to run an azure function, I tried to follow some tutorials but none of them is precise enough when creating and integrating the function to use it in an azure synapse pipeline thereafter.

On my side I am blocked because it is impossible to run only one of my functions because of a runtime error message:

当我在 Azure 门户中看不到我的功能时的消息


I tried to change the default runtime but it's been stuck on this message for last week.


Thank you so much for your help and time!

Please check if the below steps helps to work around:

-The function runtime is unable to start.
- Unsupported runtime version: Your custom runtime version is not supported. As a result, runtime is being used.
- Cannot Upgrade with Existing Functions: Major version upgrades can introduce breaking changes to languages and bindings. When upgrading major versions of the runtime. consider a new function app and migrate your function to this new app.

1. Make Sure you set your function runtime version to correct version number.

2. When migrating (upgrading/downgrading) the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION ( Functions Runtime Version ), please check the code as it breaks the logic (syntax errors) because runtime versions are specific to the programming language versions also.

For example, Azure Functions runtime 4.0 supports the following programming language versions:

  • .NET 6.0 (in-process and isolated process)
  • Node.js 14
  • Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
  • Java 8, 11
  • PowerShell 7.0
  • Custom handlers

Visit the Azure Functions runtime versions documentation to know what changes have to made when migrating the Functions Runtime Version .

3. As discussed regarding this kind of error in the GitHub-Azure-functions-host issues , make sure you update the supporting language environments and their SDKs along with the code validation.

4. Check the Storage account is not deleted and exists for the associated function app.

Your app is currently in the read mode because you're running from a package file. To make any changes update the content in your zip file and webiste_run_from_package app setting.

For the above error, please refer to one of my previous workaround SO Thread and also the below step:

5. While publishing/deploying the function app to the Azure, unselect/uncheck the Run from package (file) option as shown below:


Also there is One of my other practical workaround that shows you how to change the folder structure of the function app after publishing to the Azure Portal.

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