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How do I autofill a textbox with data I just clicked with href?

在此处输入图像描述 If I click on sender 'haq', how can I redirect to the messaging page and autofill 'haq' into the username text box? 在此处输入图像描述

My code with the href is below:

return (
    <html className="u">
    <div className="form-container">
        <h1 className="message-text">Inbox</h1>
        <table className="table-box">
                <th>Sender </th>

            {messageList.map((val,key) => 
                return (

                <a href = {"http://localhost:3000" + "/Message"}><td>{val.Sender}</td> </a>


You have to get the value of the parameter message ( How to do that ). Then after getting the value, assign it to the textbox.


// Get value of parameter in URL
let example_url = "http://www.example.com/message=helloWorld"; // window.location.href
let url = new URL(example_url);
let message = url.searchParams.get("message")

// Assign value to textbox
document.getElementById("textbox").value = message;

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