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generated-stories-entry.js error for rule 'import/no-unresolved'

I have added storybook to my Vue project with vue add storybook .

This has added several dependencies to my project, eg in my package.json I find this among others:

"vue": "~2.6.14",
"@storybook/vue": "6.4.19",
"vue-cli-plugin-storybook": "~2.1.0",
"eslint": "~6.8.0",

Now I am trying to run the storybook server with npm run storybook:serve but I get an error:


I have been trying different things, like configuring the 'import/no-unresolved' rule to be off, emitError: false on the eslist-loader inside .eslintrc , skipping the linter plugin in the webpack configuration, etc. Nothing worked and each attempt just produced new errors.

Currently I have no explicit es-linter nor webpack configuration at all. But if I comment a line inside node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js like this:

// emitter(new ESLintError(messages));

then it all works .

I don't want to be commenting out lines inside a library, I would like to have a proper solution and understand what is happening.

I found the answer myself. I had to add the eslint-plugin-import package:

npm install eslint-plugin-import

And add the plugin to the eslint configuration:

"plugins": [

For me the suggested answer didn't work, what fix it in the end was to ignore those files in eslint configuration:

"ignorePatterns": [

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