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Dynamically show AndroidView in Jetpack Compose

I am building an application that has list of webviews, and I want show a webview depending on a condition. As webview not supported by Jetpack Compose, I used the AndroidView to use the native WebView.

for (tab in vm.tabs) {
    if (tab.tabId == vm.currentTab.tabId) {
            factory = {
                WebView(it).apply {
                    settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
                    webChromeClient = WebChromeClient()
                    webViewClient = WebViewClient()
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

I googled and found out that AndroidView will only initialized once and the update will be called on recomposition. I don't want to update a single webview. I only want to show a whole new webview for each matched condition.

How can I achieve this?

You can use Google's Accompanist , A library which provides a Jetpack Compose wrapper around Android's WebView.

simple example

for (tab in vm.tabs) {
    if (tab.tabId == vm.currentTab.tabId) {
        val state = rememberWebViewState(tab.url)
            onCreated = {
                it.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
        if (state.isLoading) {

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