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How do I filter a store list in sveltekit?

Trying to return messages that match parentId = id .

I'm not sure how to pass an argument to the function:

export const getReplies = derived([id], ([$messages, $id]) => {
    return $messages.filter(msg => {
        return msg.parentId === $id;


$: replies = getReplies(msg.id);

You could create a function that returns a derived store

function getReplies(id) {
 return derived(
   $messages => $messages.filter(msg => msg.parentId == id)

and you use it the same:

$: replies = getReplies(msg.id)

Now replies is a store (so you access it with $replies) and it will update everytime either messages (the original store) changes, or if msg.id changes (at that moment a new derived store will be generated for you.

The derived function returns a store .
If your messages are a store and the id is a store , you can derive from both, like this:

const replies = derived([messages, id], ([$messages, $id]) => {
  return $messages.filter(msg => {
    return msg.parentId === $id;

Working example: https://svelte.dev/repl/d3553520239a49dc8a0bc8b147b14cf2?version=3.46.4

Or you don't need to use derived at all, like:

$: replies = $messages.filter(msg => {
        return msg.parentId === id;

Working example: https://svelte.dev/repl/ab500b1bd0914172b7b409e044b5fa01?version=3.46.4

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