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Underline function not working in MiKTeX?

This seems ridiculous but I'm using LaTeX for the first time in a while and when I attempt to underline like so:

\underline{ActorName} | Phone, Address, AgentName, Appears-In_Scene

I get a math mode error:

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.15 ...me} Phone, Address, AgentName, Appears-In_

Any idea what is causing this and how to fix it? I am not opening a math statement anywhere. Also using BibTeX but I don't think that matters.

I am not opening a math statement anywhere.

Well, that's the problem. You use a _ which is a command which must only be used in math mode to write underscores. If you want to write a _, you can use \textunderscore or escape the underscore with \_



\underline{ActorName} | Phone, Address, AgentName, Appears-In\textunderscore Scene

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