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How to pass data using PopAsync?

I have the following situation: I have an app, where I want to create notes using a special page for it. I have VM with ObservableCollection NoteItems with all the notes. When I want to create a new note, I add a new note to this ObservableCollection and pass this new note using BindingContext

    var editingPage = new EditingPage();
    editingPage.BindingContext = NoteItems[NoteItems.Count - 1].Text; 

In the editing page I have an Entry field

         Text="{Binding Text}"
         Placeholder="Enter a note"

, which is Binding his text with the Text parameter of a NoteItem. The problem is that if I change the text in entry field, it does not automatically apply to a Text parameter of a NoteItem. That is why I want to pass this text when I close this EditingPage(go back to the MainPage). So the question is, how can I pass this Text parameter to a NoteItem element from NoteItems ObservableCollection, which is located in VM.

UPD. The value of NoteItem, which is located in NoteItems does not change

UPD2. I was wrong about the value of NoteItem, it has been changed, but the new value does not display on MainPage, that is why I used INotifyPropertyChanged, but it did not work.

Here is Note Item class

public class NoteItem

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

        private string text;
        public string Text 
            get { return text; } 
                if(text != value) 
                    text = value; 

And MainPage.xaml:


        <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding NoteItems}">
                        <Label Text="{Binding Text}"/>

in order to dynamically update the UI, your model must implement INotifyPropertyChanged

public class NoteItem : INotifyPropertyChanged

simply adding a PropertyChanged method is not the same as implementing INotifyPropertyChanged . You must add the interface to the class definition so that the binding mechanism knows that your class has implemented it

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