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how to redirect from a utility function in remix run

I am using Remix-run and i want to redirect to my login page from a auth utility function. but it doesnt work. here is a similar function to my authentication utility method

import { redirect } from 'remix';

 async function authenticate(request){
    const user = await rpc.getUser(request);
    return user
  } catch(e){
   console.log(e) // logs error when rpc fails
   if(e.response.status === 401){
    return redirect('/login')
   return redirect('/500')


import {useLoaderData } from 'remix';

export async function loader({ request }) {
  const user = await auth.authenticate(request);
  return { user };

export default function Admin(){
 const { user } = useLoaderData();
  return <h1>{user.name}</h1>

if the auth rpc fails i get the error in the logs. but redirect never happens. If i move redirect part to my loader function it works as expected. its not only working inside the utility function

After digging in the docs and remix jokes app demo. i found that you need to throw a redirect from any other function other than loaders/actions to do redirects. you can also throw Http response if wanted.

import { redirect } from 'remix';

 async function authenticate(request){
    const user = await rpc.getUser(request);
    return user
  } catch(e){
   if(e.response.status === 401){
    throw redirect('/login')
   throw redirect('/500')

This sadly didn't work for me.

I am trying to redirect programmatically depending on a state update. For this purpose I created this fn:

const redirectToNested = (to) => {
  throw redirect('/to');

which lives outside my react component, the loader or action. I am still getting a crash with error "Error: Cannot initialize 'routeModules'. This normally occurs when you have server code in your client modules."

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