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how to sum each specific rendered row horizontally on jquery datatable

I get data for datasrc from sql query and I display for each column using

"data": "attribute", "name": "name",
                    "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {}

I can't get calculate value from sql query, I have to get each rendred value of specific row to sum and put the result in each column horizontally exemple bellow of eachrow : row 1 col1 + row 1 col2 + row 1 col3 and put te result in row 1 col4

and the same for all horizontal ligne.

Rows                  Col1        Col2      Col3    Col4  col5      col6      col7 
1                      12         1         23       36    string    string   string
2                       1         0          5       6     string    
3                       6         2          9       16    string    

for this jquery datatable serverside Showing 1-10:

"autoWidth": true,
            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "ajax": {
                'type': 'POST',
                'dataSrc':function (json) {

                    return json.data;
                'complete': function (response) {
            "columns": [
                {"data": "id"},
               {"data": "attribute", "name": "name",
                    "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {}

Consider the following snippet.

"columns": [{
  "data": "id"
  "data": "attribute",
  "name": "name",
  "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
    return (row[1] + row[2] + row[3]);
  "targets": 4

See More: https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.render

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