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Cannot find module 'hbs', Handlebars template engine

I don't know why it gives this error. I have also set view engine to hbs using app.set() , also defined path of views (path is correct, no error there). But it still says cannot find module hbs (it is already installed) when I try to render.

You can see that I am using get() request to render() the index.hbs file inside Views folder. Why is it showing this error? 在此处输入图像描述

....It's somewhat silly of me, but it was because of another node_modules outside the project directory ExpressProject . You can see that there is another node_modules (in the bottom) outside ExpressProject . But what I don't get here now, is that why is the outer node_module affecting ExpressProject directory?

It has it's own node_modules , and I am also running the server from ExpressProject directory, not from outside of it.

Run npm i --save express-handlebars. that should do the trick.

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