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winston logging http transport no port

I was wondering how I can use winston logging using the http transport, without any specified port?

I have a server and want to send all the error logs to it, but its just http://xx/api/v1/log

But in winston I weirdly enough cannot specify an empty port?

const logger = createLogger({
  level: "debug", 
  format: combine(
    timestamp({ format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" }),
    format.errors({ stack: true }),
  transports: [
    new transports.Console(),
    new transports.Http({
      level: "error",
      host: "xxx.herokuapp.com",
      port: undefined, // but this defaults to port 80
      path: "/api/v1/log",

Try to use

port: 443

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