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Akamai and CloudFlare IPs Appear as Requesting IPs

Lately I've been seeing CloudFlare and Akamai IPs show up as the requesting IPs in logs for a public facing website. The user agent is suspicious; Mozilla/5.0. Also, there are no other values in the x-forwarded-for header, only a singular IP. Adding to the mystery, it's only scraping images. Our business says they are not aware of any vendor using these IP ranges for scraping.

Is there a new bot/crawler that utilizes these networks? I'd like to block the traffic, though not sure of any potential business impact.

Any feedback is appreciated.

我也注意到我们系统上的这种流量,我认为很有可能是 Apple 的邮件隐私保护 (MPP),基于在https://www.spamresource.com/2022/02上找到的信息/lets-track-apple-mpp-opens.html

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