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Laravel: Target [...] is not instantiable when building [...]

I see there are a lot of questions on Stackoverflow like this, but they all seem to have different unrelated answers, so hear me out:
I'm updating an old Laravel app's file structure to that of the newest version (8.x) and I am getting this error when I visit the the / route: Error + Stack trace

Target [Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface] is not instantiable while building [App\Http\Controllers\HomeController, App\Lib\Services\Rendering\HomepageRenderer, Illuminate\View\Environment].

I'm not sure what this even means.
Here is the code for the HomeController :


namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Lib\Services\Mail\Mailer;
use App\Lib\Services\Validation\ContactValidator;
use App\Lib\Services\Rendering\HomepageRenderer;

use App;
use Illuminate\View\View;
use Input;
use Redirect;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class HomeController extends Controller
     * Validator instance.
     * @var Lib\Services\Validation\ContactValidator
    private $validator;

     * Options instance.
     * @var Lib\Services\Options\Options
    private $options;

     * Mailer instance.
     * @var Lib\Services\Mail\Mailer;
    private $mailer;

    public function __construct(ContactValidator $validator, Mailer $mailer, HomepageRenderer $renderer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;
        $this->renderer = $renderer;
        $this->validator = $validator;
        $this->options = App::make('options');

        $this->beforeFilter('logged', array('only' => array('createreview')));

     * Show homepage.
     * @return View
    public function index()
        return $this->renderer->render('Home.Home')->withCleantitle("Newest Reviews");  

     * Show contact us page.
     * @return View
    public function contact()
        return View::make('Main.Contact');

    public function createreview()
        return View::make('Reviews.Create')->withCleantitle("Post Your Review");

     * Sends an email message from contact us form.
     * @return View
    public function submitContact()
        $input = Input::all();

        if ( ! $this->validator->with($input)->passes())
            return Redirect::back()->withErrors($this->validator->errors())->withInput($input);


        return Redirect::to('/')->withSuccess( trans('main.contact succes') );

What does the error mean and what can I do to resolve it?

Wouldn't using view('Home.Home') be sufficient?

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