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Ansible validate docker-compose with env_file and send to host

I created a role that has in template folder two files: docker-compose.yml.j2 and env.j2

env.j2 is used in docker-compose file:

version: "2"

    image: {{ IMAGE | mandatory }}
    container_name: service_name
    mem_limit: 256m
    user: "2001"
    env_file: ".env"

Now my question: is there some ansible module that sends docker-compose file to host and there validate it because than env and docker-compose are in same folder on host machine?

This example of ansible task return error because env file is not in template folder but on host.

- name: "Copy env file"
    src: "env.j2"
    dest: "/opt/db_backup/.env"
    mode: '770'
    owner: deployment
    group: deployment

- name: "Validate and copy docker compose file"
    src: "docker-compose.yml.j2"
    dest: "/opt/db_backup/docker-compose.yml"
    mode: '770'
    owner: deployment
    group: deployment
    validate: docker-compose -f %s config

This probably falls into the Complex validation configuration cases linked in the documentation for the template module validate parameter

In any case, unless refactoring completely your current file and passing more variables in your environment (eg to allow .env being in a location out of the current directory), you cannot validate docker-compose.yml until both files are in the same location.

An easy scenario would be to copy both files in place, validate prior to doing anything with them and roll back to the previous version in case of error. The below example is far from rocket proof but will give you an idea:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    IMAGE: alpine:latest
    deploy_dir: /tmp/validate_compose

    - name: "make sure {{ deploy_dir }} directory exits"
        path: "{{ deploy_dir }}"
        state: directory

    - name: copy project file templates
        src: "{{ item }}"
        dest: "{{ deploy_dir }}/{{ item | regex_replace('^(.*)\\.j2', '\\g<1>') }}"
        mode: 0640
        backup: true
        - .env.j2
        - docker-compose.yml.j2
      register: copy_files

    - block:
        - name: check docker-compose file validity
            cmd: docker-compose config
            chdir: "{{ deploy_dir }}"
        - name: rollback configuration to previous version for changed files
            src: "{{ item.backup_file }}"
            dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
            remote_src: true
          loop: "{{ copy_files.results | selectattr('backup_file', 'defined') }}"

        - name: Give some info about error.
              - The compose file did not validate.
              - Please see previous error above for details
              - Files have been rolled back to the latest known version.

        - name: Fail

    - name: Rest of the playbook using the above validated files
        msg: Next tasks...

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