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Why Accessors in not called in my laravel app?

I was not happy with the default created_at date format in my database table so I decided to create Accessors which will simply change my date format. But I found out that Accessors is not running. I tried to use it on another column but it doesn't change my output. then I use dd($value) so it can stop in accessor but I found out that it didn't. I am getting my data from the database and the accessor is been bypassed.

my accessor in model class is:

 public function getCreatedAtAttribute($value)

But it does not effect anything as I am getting my output of:


and also no effect to created_at:


You can customize the actual attribute value in this way

public function getCreatedAtAttribute()
    return Carbon::parse($this->attributes['created_at'])->format('Y-m-d');


Now, you can get your data and print it. You can show the differences now

$case = Allcase::with('donner')->get();

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