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How to install xmlrpc in php 8.0 MACOS


I need to connect an application with PHP 8.0 to Odoo. And I get the following error.

PHP XMLRPC library is not installed 

How can I install this library on macOS?

I found the solution in this post

Must be installed via PECL

Use this command

pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/xmlrpc-1.0.0RC3

Please do not use the xmlrpc php extension from PECL. It is as close to abandonware as it possibly could.

You should rather use a pure-php implementation of the xmlrpc protocol.

If you can not use a different pure-php xmlrpc library, because you are using an app which uses the API of the PECL extension, you are better off using https://github.com/gggeek/polyfill-xmlrpc instead. It can be installed using composer require phpxmlrpc/polyfill-xmlrpc

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