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How to import a big csv file into database with C# and Entity Framework?

I am using a basic streamreader to loop through a csv file of about 65gb (450 million rows).

using (sr = new StreamReader(currentFileName))
    string headerLine = sr.ReadLine(); // skip the headers

    while ((string currentTick = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
        string[] tickValue = currentTick.Split(',');
        // Ticks are formatted and added to the array in order to insert them afterwards.

This creates a list that will hold the ticks that belong to a candle and than call the insertTickBatch function.

    private async static Task insertTickBatch(List<Tick> ticks)
        if (ticks != null && ticks.Any())
            using (DatabaseEntities db = new DatabaseEntities())
                db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                int currentCandleId = ticks.First().CandleId;
                var candle = db.Candles.Where(c => c.Id == currentCandleId).FirstOrDefault();

                foreach (var curTick in ticks)

                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

This however takes about 15 years to complete and my intention is to speed this up. How do I achieve this?

I am not sure which EF you are using, but if available try this instead of your foreach loop:


Also, CSVHelper is a nice package that can convert your entire file into an Tick object list, and of course the Thread.Sleep has to go.

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