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How to get the list of pods with container name for pods that have restarted

Using this command, I am able to get the container name that have restarted.

kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[?(@.restartCount>0)].name}'

Is there a way to get the pod name as well in the same command?

It's much easier to get json with kubectl and then process it with jq:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

kubectl get pods -o=json |
    jq -r '.items[] |
        "\(.metadata.name) \(.status.containerStatuses[]|select(.restartCount>0).name)"'

I've not tried this.

If (,) it works. it's not quite what you want as it should give you every Pod name and then a list of Container names that match the predicate.

I think you can't use kubectl --output=jsonpath alone to filter only the Pod names that have a Container with restarts.

{range .items[*]}

kubectl get pods \

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