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nginx-ingress - eks 400 bad request

I've got an AWS EKS environment that i'm just setting up and I'm getting 400 bad request.

Below is my config and I wanted to ask if anyone saw anything I should change.

I can see the requests are getting through the aws NLB as it reaches the nginx ingress controller but I can't see any decent information in the ingress controller logs. will add some below.

I'm terminating 443 at the NLB so sending http/80 to controller...

W0408 01:06:35.428413       7 controller.go:1094] Service "dating/photoapi-prod" does not have any active Endpoint.
W0408 01:06:35.428682       7 controller.go:1094] Service "dating/photoapi-test" does not have any active Endpoint. - - [08/Apr/2022:01:50:55 +0000] "\x00" 400 150 "-" "-" 0 0.000 [] [] - - - - 1d65f0090db1addb14e870d877977bfc - - [08/Apr/2022:01:50:59 +0000] "\x00" 400 150 "-" "-" 0 0.000 [] [] - - - - b853574052dfd56745839f72a6fc5ed1 - - [08/Apr/2022:01:50:59 +0000] "\x00" 400 150 "-" "-" 0 0.000 [] [] - - - - c38d59e8ffcb008cf01ab4bb3ea4cd39 - - [08/Apr/2022:01:51:00 +0000] "\x00" 400 150 "-" "-" 0 0.000 [] [] - - - - 3ca1bfdbb1f35c7b89d213636a12e864 - - [08/Apr/2022:01:51:05 +0000] "\x00" 400 150 "-" "-" 0 0.000 [] [] - - - - 338a2445058641d71c32e9acdf467118

As per error it says the service behind the ingress controller doesn't have active container running behind it.

Do you have container running behind the services mentioned in error?

in my case, it fixed after remove unused listening port in LB. I thinks it occured by health check.


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