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how to get the rest of path from sub folder

I have a path like:


The thing that I am looking for is to have the path value after documents path:


like give me the path value after the documents folder: the response should be:


I didn't find API about this.

If you have a String path then convert it into an URL,

let path = "file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/80C93A3C-DFB5-4756-8DC8-7ED34469EA11/Documents/allFiles/81B5D904-CCEC-4B92-BD9B-4175BF6A99BC.jpeg"
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)

then split the url up into components

let components = url.pathComponents

and create a string from everything after the component "Documents"

if let index = components.firstIndex(of: "Documents") {
    print(components[components.index(index, offsetBy: 1)..<components.endIndex].joined(separator: "/"))



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