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How to install all gcloud components at once

I would like to know how to install all of the Gcloud components at the same time.


As per the document ,

You can install the required components using gcloud components install COMPONENT-1 COMPONENT-2 , where COMPONENT-1 COMPONENT-2 are the Id's of the respective components.

Currently there is no gcloud command that might help you to install all the components at once, so you will have to follow the above mentioned procedure to install them as required.

If you want this feature to get added to the Google Cloud, then you can also raise a feature request where the engineering team will look into it. Also remember that there is no ETA for the feature requests.

As the Cloud SDK is constantly updated, the ways to interact with it often change too.

The command below used to work and installed all components in one line, I checked today and it no longer works, however it may provide you with some insights into how to install all components in one go.

gcloud components list | grep "^| Not" | sed "s/|(. )|(. )|(.*)|/\2/" | xargs echo gcloud components update

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