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undefined method `escape' for URI:Module in ruby 3

After updating my Rails application from Rails 6.0.1 to Rails

I am getting issue with the gem "paperclip", '~> 6.1.0'

while using it in application is gives error:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `escape' for URI:Module
Did you mean?  escape_once):

Usage in my application:

<%= image_tag current_user.image.url('med'), width: "36px" %>

How to resolve this issue when bug is present in the ruby gemfile itself, thanks in advance.

The solution to this situation do a monkey patching to the missing method in library.

add a ruby filke uri_escape.rb inside the initializers folder:

add lines for monkey patching:

module URI
  def URI.escape(url)

and its done.

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