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Asterisks in the output of R describe function

What does it mean the asterisk next to some item names in the descriptive statistics table given by describe function (package psych) in R?

                       vars  n    mean    sd 
STUDY_ID*                 1 67    1.00  0.00
COUNTRY_ID*               2 67    1.00  0.00
EXTRACTION_DATE*          3 67   34.00 19.49
SITE_ID                   4 67    8.94  5.30
SUBJECT_ID*               5 67   34.00 19.49
SUBJECT_REF*              6 67   34.00 19.49
REF_I1_CENTERINFO         7 67    8.94  5.30
REF_NUMBER                8 67    9.21  7.09
REF_I1_NOM*               9 67    8.03  5.62
REF_I1_PRENOM*           10 67    8.22  4.95
RANDOMIZATION_R1*        11 66    1.50  0.50

Thank you

From ?psych::describe :

If the check option is TRUE, variables that are categorical or logical are converted to numeric and then described. These variables are marked with an * in the row name.

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