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Entity framework core multi tenant : auto increment column based in another column value

Using entity framework core 6 with sample class

public class Sample
  public long Id { get; set; }
  public long TenantId { get; set; }
  public long PartitionId { get; set; } 

I need to make auto increment of partition id based in brand id.

First I add index mapper between tenantId and partitionId to make sure never duplicated than i used in partitionId ValueGeneratedOnAdd() function, my missing part how i can make auto generation of partitionId foreach tenantId in sequence.

        modelBuilder.Entity<Sample>(builder =>

            // enable unique partion id based in tenant level
            builder.HasIndex(r => new { r.PartitionId, r.TenantId }).HasDatabaseName("IX_Sample_PartitionId").IsUnique();

            builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnOrder(0);

            builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.TenantId ).HasColumnOrder(1);

            // create auto increment base in brand id
            builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.PartitionId).ValueGeneratedOnAdd().HasColumnOrder(2);


Required result should be like this

Id | TenantId | PartitionId 
1  | 1        | 1
2  | 1        | 2
3  | 2        | 1
4  | 2        | 2

You can achieve this by having a difference sequence for each tenant and you script it as part of the tenant onboarding.

ex: When you create a tenant, you run the following script:

CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].[Tenant{0}_PartionIdSequence] AS [int] START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1

When you insert ar ecord to the sample table, you will have to call this script tp get the next value for PartitionId

SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.[Tenant{0}_PartionIdSequence]

This way every tenant should have its own sequence

Not working, sequence has been created please note i'm using Postgres SQL, SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR statement not correct syntax in my case.

Please find below my changes.

   // create sequence for partition id and  map it in tenant level

   modelBuilder.Entity<Sample>(builder =>
        // enable unique partion id based in tenant level
        builder.HasIndex(r => new { r.PartitionId, r.TenantId })

       builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnOrder(0);
       builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.TenantId).HasColumnOrder(1);

       // mapping sequence table which consider tenant id
       builder.ToTable("Sample").Property(p => p.PartitionId)

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