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How would I bind this to the onclick event in JQUERY?

I have the following which i use in a traditional onclick event for a DIV tag

How would I go about implementing this using jquery?

$parameter = "onClick=\"selprice('" .
  $price_options_array[$price_counter]['price'] . "','" .
  $price_counter . "')" . "\"";

I use the above and just add it to my div like so:

<div class="price_row" <?php echo $parameter; ?>>

I have this so far using the jquery method but Im not sure how to proceed?

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.price_row').click(function() {
$(function() {
  $("div.price_row").click(function() {
    selprice("<?php echo $price_options_array[$price_counter]['price'] ?>", "<?php echo $price_counter ?>");

I wouldn't necessarily advise it however. Another approach is to put the necessary date in a place you can query it at runtime. For example:

<div class="price_info")
  <div class="price"><?php echo $price_options_array[$price_counter]['price'] ?></div>
  <div class="counter"><?php echo $price_counter ?></div>

combined with CSS:

div.price_info div.price, div.price_info div.counter { display: none; }

and then:

$(function() {
  $("div.price_row").click(function() {
    var price = $(this).children("price").text();
    var counter = $(this).children("counter").text();
    selprice(price, counter);

Dynamically generated Javascript can sometimes get a bit messy.

You can also use jquery.data() instead of using child elements. You just need to construct the class attribute correctly in PHP to include the necessary data.

Move your $price_options_array to a javascript array.

'var price_options = ' . $price_options  // or however you do it in PHP

And when you make your div inside your loop add an extra tag with the price_counter (pc)

"<div pc='". $price_counter . "'class="price_row" <?php echo $parameter; ?>>"

The "pc" variable will then be accessible in the jquery loop, as will the price_options info

$(document).ready(function() {

  $('.price_row').click(function() {
     var pc = $(this).attr('pc');
     var price = price_options[pc]['price'];
     selprice(price, pc);

Hope that helps.

You could do something like:


<script language="text/javascript">var price_options = <?php echo json_encode($price_options_array); ?></script

for ( $y = 0; $y < $prices; $y++ )
  echo '<div class="price_row" id="price_' . $y . '">Foo</div>';

And in jQuery:

    var id = $(this).attr('id').split('_');
    selprice(price_options[id], id);

This is untested but it should give you a rough start.

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