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Is it possible to use gradient + background color for areaColor along with visualMap

thanks for your time! I am using a similar example to visualize my data . I want to improve the visualization of the map and make a gradient. More or less like this . After reading the documentation, I realized that apparently this is not possible:

inRange: {
 color: [
  new echarts.graphic.RadialGradient(0.5, 0.5, .5, [
    offset: 0,
    color: 'green'
     offset: 0,
     color: 'rgb(35, 184, 116, 0.2)'
   'rgba(255, 88, 74, 0.7)'

I tried to play around with overlaying two equivalent series and different settings for them, but unfortunately it doesn't work.

I solved the problem. By adding a gradient like this.

const mapOptions = {
series: [
  {..., itemStyled: {..., areaColor: gradient}},

And I already created the information panel manually and added functionality through


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