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ASP.NET Core Web API Error - How to resolve More than one DbContext was found. Specify which one to use in update-database

In ASP.NET Core-6 Web API, I have two DBContexts:

  1. ApplicationIdentityDbContext
  2. MyAppDbContext

For add-migration, I used these two in the PM :

  1. add-migration InitialIdentity -OutputDir "Infrastructure/Identity/Migrations" -context ApplicationIdentityDbContext
  2. add-migration InitialDDM -OutputDir "Persistence/Migrations" -context MyAppDbContext

The two add-migration works.

However, for the update-database when I did:

update-database -verbose

I got this error:

More than one DbContext was found. Specify which one to use. Use the '-Context' parameter for PowerShell commands and the '--context' parameter for do.net commands

How do I resolve this?

Thank you

If you are using Visual Studio's Package Manager Console with reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools , then you can execute the following command:

PM> Update-Database -context your_context -v 

If you use do.net command, then try this:

dotnet ef database update --context your_context

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