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Discord.js: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'status')

So I have a command that outputs user information. Though most fields have no problems, the Status field is rather buggy for me.

This is the code for the command:

import { Command } from '@sapphire/framework';
import { MessageEmbed } from 'discord.js';

export class UserInfoCommand extends Command {
    constructor(context, options) {
        super(context, {
            name: 'userinfo',
            description: 'Retrives user information.',
            aliases: ['user'],

    async messageRun(message, args) {
        const userInfo = await args.pick('member').catch(() => message.member);
        const roleMap = userInfo.roles.cache.mapValues(roles => roles.name);
        const roleArray = Array.from(roleMap.values());

        const userEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle(`Information about ${userInfo.displayName}#${userInfo.user.discriminator}`)
            .addField('ID', `${userInfo.id}`, true)
            .addField('Status', `${userInfo.presence.status}`, true)
            .addField('Account Created:', `${userInfo.user.createdAt}`)
            .addField('Joined on:', `${userInfo.joinedAt}`)
            .addField('Server Nickname:', `${userInfo.displayName}`)
            .addField('Server Roles:', `${roleArray.join(', ')}`);
        return message.channel.send({ embeds: [userEmbed] });

When executing the command with me (or a user offline since the bot was started), it throws TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'status') . When I go online and then offline once again, the command works and outputs offline as my status.

I do have the proper intents enabled.

const client = new SapphireClient({
    disableMentionPrefix: true,
    typing: true,
    presence: {
        activities: [
                name: 'Captain\'s commands!',
                type: 'LISTENING',

I've tried to use an if statement where if userInfo.presence.status is null then it should throw offline instead but that didn't work out. How can I make this work out properly?

Make sure you have the PRESENCE INTENT option enabled in the applications bot settings

This setting is required to get presence updates

Replaced the line with:

.addField('Status', `${userInfo.presence? userInfo.presence.status : "offline"}`, true) // if presence is truthy, output the string, else, the user is offline

A simple null check that worked. Probably my previous method was wrong.

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