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pure javascript equivalent of jquery click()?

I am building a small app which captures mouse clicks. I wrote the prototype in jquery but, since it is a small app focusing on speed, embedding jquery to use just one function would be an overkill.

I tried to adapt this example from JavascriptKit :


but it didn't work when I tried


What am I doing wrong?

Say you have a list of p tags you would like to capture the click for the p tag:

var p = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); 
for(var i=0; i<p.length; i++){ 
 p[i].onclick = function(){ 
   alert("p is clicked and the id is " + this.id); 

Check out an example here for more clarity: http://jsbin.com/onaci/

In your example you are using getElementsByTagName, which returns you an array of DOM elements, you could iterate that array and assign the onclick handler to each element, for example:

var clickHandler = function(){

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); // All divs

for(var i = 0; i<elements.length; i++){
  elements[i].onclick = clickHandler;

it looks a little bit like you miss more than just the click function of jQuery. You also miss jquery's selector engine, chaining, and automatic iteration across collections of objects. With a bit more effort you can minimally reproduce some of those things as well.

var myClickCapture = function (selector) {
    var method, name,iterator;
    if(selector.substr(0,1) === "#") {
       method = "getElementById";
       name = selector.substr(1);
       iterator = function(fn) { fn(document[method](name));  };
    } else {
       method = "getElementsByTagName";
       name = selector;
       iterator = function(fn) { 
          var i,c = document[method](name);
    myClickCapture.click = function (fn){

    return myClickCapture;


I haven't tested the code, but in theory, it gets you something like this:

myClickCapture("x").click(function(e){ alert("element clicked") });

Hopefully this gives you a sense of the sorts of things jquery is doing under the covers.


returns an array of elements having the tagname 'x'.

You have to right event for each element in the returned array.

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