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Changes in Laravel Blade view not reflected in webpage

I'm having a strange problem when updating a Blade view in a Laravel project hosted on a Linux CentOS server. The changes I make (deleting or commenting out a line of html) are not reflected on the webpage. I tried clearing the view cache with php artisan view:clear to no avail. When I go to /var/www/app/storage/framework/views and check the compiled php view the changes are there, but they still don't show up on the webpage. The old version of the view must still be stored somewhere, I just can't figure out where. Any help is much appreciated.

Edit: As an addendum, I also tried php artisan cache:clear as well as clearing the browser cache and neither worked.

Linux CentOS release 7.3.1611;

Apache 2.4.6;

PHP 7.1.7;

MySQL 5.5.52-MariaDB;

Laravel 5.3.31.


php artian view:clear

OR for broad prospective, run

php artian optimize:clear // This is available for post Laravel 6 versions

If you are using chrome open dev tools, then settings and check disable cache option

如何禁用 chrome 缓存

It works like a charm for me.

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