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How do I specify tox + python version specific requirements

Currently I have the following:

python =
    3.7: py37
    3.8: py38
    3.9: py39
    3.10: py310
    pypy-3.7: pypy3
    pypy-3.8: pypy3

minversion = 1.9
envlist =

toxworkdir = {env:TOX_WORKDIR:.tox}

deps =
    django22: Django>=2.2,<2.3
    django32: Django>=3.2,<3.3
    django40: Django>=4.0,<4.1
    djangomain: https://github.com/django/django/archive/main.tar.gz
    py{37,38,39,310}-django{22,32,40,main}-postgres: psycopg2-binary
    py{py3}-django{22,32,40,main}-postgres: psycopg2cffi

I need to install a different psycopg2 depending on cpython vs pypy . I've tried all kinds of combinations, and nothing, it all ends in failure . I can't get any of the *-postgres envs to install.

What I'm doing wrong?

The issue is that you do not run the correct environments in your GitHub Actions.

For example. In your tox.ini you create an env with the name:


Then you define the requirements as following:

py{37,38,39,310}-postgres: psycopg2-binary

Which means - install psycopg2-binary when the env name contains the factors py37 + postgres . This matches the above env! So far so good.

But in your gha your run:

- python-version: "3.7"
  tox-environment: django22-postgres

... which does not contain the py37 factor - so no match - no installation.

The sqlite tests succeed as it sqlite comes along with Python.

I would suggest that you have a look at the django projects in the jazzband github organization . They all are heavy use of tox factors (the parts separated by dashes) and they also use gha - mostly via https://github.com/ymyzk/tox-gh-actions which I would recommend, too.

Basically you just run tox on gha and let the plugin do the heavy lifting of matching Python environments from tox to github.

Disclaimer: I am one of the tox maintainers and you earn a prize for the most complex factor setup I have ever seen :-)

The issue was never tox or tox 's configuration.

The issue was github actions , when you use tox-environment or python-version + tox-environment , tox-gh-actions won't parse it correctly. Causing it to never match.

This is what I removed . This is what tox.ini looks like and what github actions looks like [and line 47]

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