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Vue Test Utils: how to pass Vuelidate validation rules to child components?

while trying to write a component test by using vue test utils , testing interaction between child components and stuff, I am stuck due to usage of Vuelidate from child components. Below is an example simplified:

// parent component code

      <childA />
//childA code

   <input v-model="value" />

   validations: {
      value: {
// parent component test
const wrapper = mount(MyParentComponent, {
   components: {
   validations: {
      value: required

I have tried to find a solution out there that I could mount (note here that I WANT to mount also the child components, so shallow-mount is not what I look for) the child component, with it's respective Vuelidate validation rules, but I still haven't found any solution.

Instead, my test gives me errors like:

Cannot read property `value` of undefined

which makes sense, since the test cannot access the child component's $v instance.

Has anyone achieved it so far?

For answering your question and after i've did some test i believe you missed the data part inside your mount

  1. mount : render child components
  2. shallowMount : doesn't render child components

MyParentComponent need to have in the options the structure of you're child component so this is why he is returning the error

And i saw that you're passing the import of your component directly but don't forget that your test folder is outside of your src folder

import ChildA from "@/components/ChildA";

will not work instead i propose to use absolute path directly to import your child component or use a configuration to resolve them

    const wrapper = mount(MyParentComponent, {
      data() {
        return {
          value: null
      components: {
        ChildA: () => import('../../src/components/ChildA'),
      validations: {
        value: required

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