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Digital Ocean App build error with NextJS imports/exports

I have a problem with building app process in Digital Ocean, I have an app already deployed and I have implemented a big refactor in the code structure, in my local I can make a build perfectly but when I tried to make build in digital ocean I have received an error with imports and exports在此处输入图像描述

I have the same node version in Digital Ocean and local (v16.15.0)

any idea about the problem?

I fixed the bug, it was a problem with git, in my refactor I changed some filenames to use camelCase and the ToolBar file was being cached with its previous name.

I mean

  • previous name: src/components/Toolbar/ToolBar.tsx

  • current name: src/components/ToolBar/ToolBar.tsx

this failed because in the git repository it kept the old name while in my local repository it had the updated name.

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