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How to create a GraphQL typed SDK from a Typescript schema object?

I have a code-first GraphQL API in which the GraphQLSchema is created like so:

import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import { mutationType } from './mutation';
import { queryType } from './query';

const schema = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: queryType,
  mutation: mutationType,

export { schema };

I know how to generate a schema written in Schema Definition Language (SDL) with printSchema(schema) .

Now I need a SDK to provide to clients of my API. My problem is that I can't find any library for generating a typed SDK from the schema.

The libraries I find like graphql-request , urql or apollo-client make you write the whole query without any type of syntax check.

import { gql, GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request'

const query = gql`               //
  {                              //
    Movie(title: "Inception") {  // I can write whatever I want
      releaseDate                // here and no transpilation
      actors {                   // errors will appear.
        name                     // I have no autocompletion
      }                          // whatsoever.
    }                            //
  }                              //
const client = new GraphQLClient('https://api.graph.cool/simple/v1/movies', { headers: {} })
client.request(query, variables).then((data) => console.log(data))

I want to be able to do something like const client = new GraphQLClient(endpoint, schema, options); . And then use it like so await client.movie(title)({releaseDate: true, actors: {name: true}}); . Not necessarily with that syntax, but I hope this gets the idea across. If I write rleaseDate I just want a red line under it in my IDE and a transpilation error if I run tsc .

I've found graphql-code-generator and I see that it can generate different things using the schema generated with printSchema(schema) . But for the typescript-graphql-request plugin that can generate the SDK I want, it appears I would need to write an operation.graphql file myself, which is the first thing I want to avoid. The API, as I said, is code-first and everything is in the schema I talk about in the start. I don't want a second source of truth in that operation.graphql file.

Does what I want exist?

Alright: So I found what I was looking for: graphql-zeus

The command zeus [path to SDL file] --typescript --node generates an SDK I can provide to the clients that will use the API, and they can use the SDK like so:

import { Chain } from "[SDK generated]";

Chain(`example.com/graphql`, {
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer 00112233445566778899',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    createUser: [{
      username: newUsername,
      biography: newBio,
      picture: newPicture,
  { id: true, username: true }]
  .catch(error => {
     // Do something

And mutation , the operation createUser and it's parameters are typed. Meaning I will get transpilation errors and the IDE will tell me what I can type in each field.

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