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How do I make a search bar with a filter?

I tried making a product filter but I made one but there was one problem. I wanted to click the items to redirect to another page but I tried coding hundreds of times but it was hopeless. So what I am asking from you is to build a product filter with a search bar. I hope you can help me. Please Help me! I need you! I hope that this isn't to much of a challenge.

You didn't mention what language you are using. so assuming you are getting your product from some APIs . here an example for that.

 var data = [ { "make": "Gibson", "model": "Les Paul", "type": "Electric", "price": "$3,000", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/LPST5HTHDCH-medium.jpg?9782bd", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Gibson", "model": "SG", "type": "Electric", "price": "$1,500", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/SGSEBCH-medium.jpg?e69cfe", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Fender", "model": "Telecaster", "type": "Electric", "price": "$2,000", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/TelePLMPHB-medium.jpg?28e48b", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Fender", "model": "Stratocaster", "type": "Electric", "price": "$2,000", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/StratAMM3SB2-medium.jpg?dfd0a9", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Gretsch", "model": "White Falcon", "type": "Electric", "price": "$5,000", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/G613655GE-medium.jpg?9bfb0e", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Paul Reed Smith", "model": "Custom 24", "type": "Electric", "price": "$5,000", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/HBII10BGWB-medium.jpg?982763", "url":"https://google.com" }, { "make": "Gibson", "model": "Hummingbird", "type": "Acoustic", "price": "$2,500", "image": "http://www.sweetwater.com/images/items/120/SSHBHCNP-medium.jpg?11fbea", "url":"https://google.com" } ]; var products = "", makes = "", models = "", types = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var make = data[i].make, model = data[i].model, type = data[i].type, price = data[i].price, url = data[i].url, rawPrice = price.replace("$",""), rawPrice = parseInt(rawPrice.replace(",","")), image = data[i].image; //create product cards products += "<div class='col-sm-4 product' data-make='" + make + "' data-model='" + model + "' data-type='" + type + "' data-price='" + rawPrice + "'><div class='product-inner text-center'><a href='"+url+"'><img src='" + image + "'></a><br />Make: " + make + "<br />Model: " + model + "<br />Type: " + type + "<br />Price: " + price + "</div></div>"; //create dropdown of makes if (makes.indexOf("<option value='" + make + "'>" + make + "</option>") == -1) { makes += "<option value='" + make + "'>" + make + "</option>"; } //create dropdown of models if (models.indexOf("<option value='" + model+"'>" + model + "</option>") == -1) { models += "<option value='" + model + "'>" + model + "</option>"; } //create dropdown of types if (types.indexOf("<option value='" + type + "'>" + type + "</option>") == -1) { types += "<option value='" + type + "'>" + type + "</option>"; } } $("#products").html(products); $(".filter-make").append(makes); $(".filter-model").append(models); $(".filter-type").append(types); var filtersObject = {}; //on filter change $(".filter").on("change",function() { var filterName = $(this).data("filter"), filterVal = $(this).val(); if (filterVal == "") { delete filtersObject[filterName]; } else { filtersObject[filterName] = filterVal; } var filters = ""; for (var key in filtersObject) { if (filtersObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { filters += "[data-"+key+"='"+filtersObject[key]+"']"; } } if (filters == "") { $(".product").show(); } else { $(".product").hide(); $(".product").hide().filter(filters).show(); } }); //on search form submit $("#search-form").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var query = $("#search-form input").val().toLowerCase(); $(".product").hide(); $(".product").each(function() { var make = $(this).data("make").toLowerCase(), model = $(this).data("model").toLowerCase(), type = $(this).data("type").toLowerCase(); if (make.indexOf(query) > -1 || model.indexOf(query) > -1 || type.indexOf(query) > -1) { $(this).show(); } }); });
 body { padding-top: 30px; } .product { margin-bottom: 30px; } .product-inner { box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.2); padding: 10px; } .product img { margin-bottom: 10px; }
 <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.2.0-beta1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="container"> <div class="row" id="search"> <form id="search-form" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="form-group col-xs-9"> <input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Search" /> </div> <div class="form-group col-xs-3"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-primary">Search</button> </div> </form> </div> <div class="row" id="filter"> <form> <div class="form-group col-sm-3 col-xs-6"> <select data-filter="make" class="filter-make filter form-control"> <option value="">Select Make</option> <option value="">Show All</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group col-sm-3 col-xs-6"> <select data-filter="model" class="filter-model filter form-control"> <option value="">Select Model</option> <option value="">Show All</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group col-sm-3 col-xs-6"> <select data-filter="type" class="filter-type filter form-control"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="">Show All</option> </select> </div> <div class="form-group col-sm-3 col-xs-6"> <select data-filter="price" class="filter-price filter form-control"> <option value="">Select Price Range</option> <option value="">Show All</option> </select> </div> </form> </div> <div class="row" id="products"> </div> </div>

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