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Codebuild, buildspec error ;Phase context status code: YAML_FILE_ERROR Message: Expected to be of struct type: found string instead at line 1

I am having trouble running the buildspec file stored in an s3 bucket , the following error ocurs when I am in the build step of the pipeline;

"Phase context status code: YAML_FILE_ERROR Message: Expected to be of struct type: found string instead at line 1, check indentation or content around the line num"

The Following is how I have my buildspec.yml

 version: 0.2 env: variables: APP_NAME: "angular-cicd-pipeline-demo" phases: install: runtime-versions: nodejs: 16.x commands: - echo install process started - npm install && npm install -g @angular/cli build: commands: - echo build process started now - cd software/frontend/culturi - ng build --configuration=production post_build: commands: - echo build process finished, we should uplload to S3 now - cd dist/$APP_NAME - ls -la - aws s3 sync . s3://app-culturi --delete

I spent hours trying to figure this out for myself. The yml file needs to be structured very precisely. I had the same error when my "command" lines had the same indentation as the "build/ post_build" lines. It worked when I indented the "command" lines a little further like you have now. For you, I recommend leaving an empty line after your "version" line. I hope that works!

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