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Azure cli command for deploying react.js code to node Azure App Service

The commands for deploying the zip file are clear, but it's unclear to me what the process would be for creating the appropriate zip file for a node project. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Here are some commands I've tried: az webapp deployment source config-zip -n <app-name> -g <app-group> --src upload.zip az webapp deploy -n <app-name> -g <app-group> --src-path ./build

az webapp deploy

If you are using az webapp deploy for continuous Zip Deployment you have to add the SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true config either manually in a portal or using cli command az webapp config appsettings set

# To set config to enable build automation for ZIP deploy
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group  <group-name>  --name  <app-name>  --settings SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true

az webapp deployment

If you use az webapp deployment the kudu zip push deployment for a web app deployment.

Kudu thinks that zip deployments do not require any build-related tasks such as npm install or dotnet publish by default. To enable Kudu detection logic and the build script creation process, include a .deployment file in your zip file with the following content: [config] SCM DO BUILD DURING DEPLOYMENT = true

If you want to use ZIP deployment for enable the build automation you can have to set the config SCM DO BUILD DURING DEPLOYMENT = true .


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