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React Quill causes rerender of <input> outside of Quill's editor

I have the following React code in my component:

     const TextEditor = () => {
     const [richTextValue, setRichTextValue] = useState('');
     const [storyTitle, setStoryTitle] = useState('');
     const handleRichEditorOnChange = (content, delta, source, editor) => {
     const handleTitleChange = event => {
     return (
                        <input type="text"
                        <ReactQuill theme="snow"

If i type anything in <input> element, I lose focus after each letter typed because of Quill causing rerender somehow and get the error "Cannot flush updates when React is already rendering". However, if I remove ReactQuill element, input's behaviour is normal and I don't receive any error in console.

What is the reason behind this strange and unexpected behaviour and how can it be fixed?

Nevermind. I had:

if (richTextEditorRef.current) {

in code before adding input and now I figured out that it was forcing React to focus on Quill editor.

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