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openssl_dh_compute_key(): Argument #2 ($private_key) must be of type OpenSSLAsymmetricKey

I am trying to decrypt a response Tokens which where encrypted using a Diffie-Hellman (type curve25519) via AES-GCM and additional authenticated data (AAD). I am new to PHP so I am not sure how can this be accomplished.

here is my attempt:


$private_key =  openssl_pkey_get_private("file:///vault-sink/private");

$pub_key_struct =  file_get_contents("/vault-sink/public");
$json_public_key = json_decode($pub_key_struct);

$secret = openssl_dh_compute_key($json_public_key->curve25519_public_key, $private_key);

$token_response =  file_get_contents("/vault-sink/token.txt");
$token_response_json = json_decode($token_response);

echo $token_response_json->encrypted_payload;

    $aad = "test"


PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: openssl_dh_compute_key(): Argument #2 ($private_key) must be of type OpenSSLAsymmetricKey, bool given in /vault-sink/php-client/main.php:10

content of public and private keys:

# cat public

# cat private

So my guess is that the private's key format is not readable by openssl_pkey_get_private function. My question is how can I use these private and public keys in openssl_dh_compute_key ?

For more context, below is an example on how I did it with go.

Working example with Go

Generate KeyPair

package main

import (

    dh "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/dhutil"

func check(e error) {
    if e != nil {

func generatePublicPrivateKey() {

    var keyinfo dh.PublicKeyInfo

    public, private, err := dh.GeneratePublicPrivateKey()

    keyinfo.Curve25519PublicKey = public
    pubkey, err := json.Marshal(keyinfo)

    err = os.WriteFile("public", []byte(pubkey), 0644)
    if err != nil {
    privateKey := fmt.Sprintf("%x", private)

    err = os.WriteFile("private", []byte(privateKey), 0644)
    if err != nil {

func main() {


# cat public

# cat private

Encrypt Token Using Hashicorp Vault

then I run Vault Agent and get the following response ("token.txt"):

    "curve25519_public_key": "ONwU5iknsVP57p7PdHtN4rzxbivMB4Bt5o2BJFC6oSc=",
    "nonce": "AA2VibL5SXE9MU19",
    "encrypted_payload": "pPseQIue1IXxutEKoZrjsORj+8AZVgRrcTRvaPVxukzU2w28TL4T0be7aGFKZmHwudiHiNQyp5i8D0ZUgP/ILLYPfhO+gwxUFEDhA4PJNAgKc8nSaMpjG9RipAyRcepgk42SXuRIgZ1D7HrmeWT8"

for more info, check https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/agent/autoauth#encrypting-tokens

Decrypt the token

and then I decrypt the response as following

package main

import (

    dh "github.com/hashicorp/vault/helper/dhutil"

func check(e error) {
    if e != nil {

func main() {

    var envelope dh.Envelope
    var keyinfo dh.PublicKeyInfo

    token_env, err := os.ReadFile("token.txt")

    err = json.Unmarshal(token_env, &envelope)

    ourPublic, err := os.ReadFile("public")

    ourPrivate, err := os.ReadFile("private")

    json.Unmarshal(ourPublic, &keyinfo)

    privatekey, err := hex.DecodeString(string(ourPrivate))

    secret, err := dh.GenerateSharedSecret(privatekey, envelope.Curve25519PublicKey)

    shared_key, err := dh.DeriveSharedKey(secret, keyinfo.Curve25519PublicKey, envelope.Curve25519PublicKey)

    test, err := dh.DecryptAES(shared_key, envelope.EncryptedPayload, envelope.Nonce, []byte("test"))




The shared secret can be determined in PHP with the Sodium library and the sodium_crypto_scalarmult() function.

For the calculation of the shared key the Go source code of DeriveSharedKey() shows that the shared key is derived with HKDF (see hkdf.go ) and the two public keys are sorted and used as salt and info . For this purpose hash_hkdf() can be used on the PHP side.

Finally, decryption takes place with AES-256 in GCM mode, eg with openssl_encrypt() . In contrast to the Go code, where ciphertext and tag are concatenated, openssl_encrypt() handles both separately.

The resulting PHP code is (for simplicity, the input data is assigned directly, ie without file I/O):

// Input data
$payload = base64_decode("pPseQIue1IXxutEKoZrjsORj+8AZVgRrcTRvaPVxukzU2w28TL4T0be7aGFKZmHwudiHiNQyp5i8D0ZUgP/ILLYPfhO+gwxUFEDhA4PJNAgKc8nSaMpjG9RipAyRcepgk42SXuRIgZ1D7HrmeWT8");
$nonce = base64_decode("AA2VibL5SXE9MU19");
$ourPublicKey = base64_decode("ru7+Ncx9x8Y/pHlj3D/wg+WYCQgqMKuVpAmTjCmf7Hs=");
$theirPublicKey = base64_decode("ONwU5iknsVP57p7PdHtN4rzxbivMB4Bt5o2BJFC6oSc=");
$privateKey = hex2bin("9fd06c52f7fda2b89bb05ac591dbeba8e57984c2bb0e6181ddcf275fb87015b6");

// Get shared secret
$sharedSecret = sodium_crypto_scalarmult($privateKey, $theirPublicKey);
print("Shared secret (hex): " . sodium_bin2hex($sharedSecret) . PHP_EOL); // Shared secret (hex): 48cb642fe6ecd7e4ff4a58610524f873e8ab86b8ccb195f0c90d59c477d6f437

// Get shared key
// Go:  hkdf.New(hash, secret, salt, info)
// PHP: hash_hkdf($algo, $key, $length, $info, $salt)
if (strcmp($ourPublicKey, $theirPublicKey) == -1) {
    $salt = $ourPublicKey;
    $info = $theirPublicKey;
} else { // for simplicity the 0 case is not considered dedicated, the Go code throws an exception here
    $salt = $theirPublicKey;
    $info = $ourPublicKey;
$sharedKey = hash_hkdf("sha256", $sharedSecret, 32, $info, $salt);
print("Shared key (hex): " . bin2hex($sharedKey) . PHP_EOL); // Shared key (hex): cacbda4874426b1208903d24378bdc0fb7a7dd08c91b5f275c11ff39e58add38

// Decrypt with AES-256, GCM
$ciphertext = substr($payload, 0, strlen($payload) - 16);
$tag = substr($payload, strlen($payload) - 16, 16);
$aad = "test";
$plaintext = openssl_encrypt($ciphertext, "aes-256-gcm", $sharedKey, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonce, $tag, $aad);
print("Plaintext: " . $plaintext . PHP_EOL); // Plaintext: hvs.CAESIB1eP79cHXPc4ttZIz20qL2I2A8kcfNpkhPjvIE4DZt3Gh4KHGh2cy4wNWV1WHB5NWNuZXV1dDMzdkh4YkY2OUE

with the same output as the Go code.

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