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Setting up protected routes in React with react-router-6

I am using keycloak for my React + Typescript app and I need to setup ProtectedRoutes so that certain paths can only be accessed when the user has logged in. I have the keycloak part working but for some reason, I am unable to pass custom props to the components and the props in the Component is empty.

My react-router-dom version is 6.3.0

Following is what I am trying

function ProtectedRoute({ children, ...rest }: PropsWithChildren<any>) {
  const { keycloak } = useKeycloak()
    if (!keycloak?.authenticated) {
      return <Navigate to="/login" />;
    return children ;


const global = {
    isSomething: isSomethingSelected,
    setSomethingSelected: setsomethingSelected

    <Route path='/books' element={<ProtectedRoute global={global}><Books /></ProtectedRoute>}/>



export default function Books(props: any) {
    const { global } = props;
  console.log(global); // props is empty

Well, in fact you're passing the props to ProtectedRoute and not to Books component.

<Route path='/books' element={<ProtectedRoute><Books global={global} /></ProtectedRoute>}/>

On the other hand, I would make it a little different, if you want the suggestion.

function ProtectedRoute(props: PropsWithChildren<any>) {
  const { keycloak } = useKeycloak();

  if (!keycloak?.authenticated) {
    return <Navigate to="/login" />;

  return (
    <Route {...props} />
const global = {
  isSomething: isSomethingSelected,
  setSomethingSelected: setsomethingSelected

  <ProtectedRoute path="/books" element={<Books global={global} />}/>


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