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InvalidMutabilityException: mutation attempt of frozen kotlin.native.internal Exception

I'm very new to the Kotlin Multiplatform and Swift language, I have a problem with KMM only the iOS part, I have successfully run this on Android but it fails on IOS due to concurrency issues.

Kotlin code snippet :

    suspend fun getResponse(data: String): String {
        var response: String
        client.responsePipeline.intercept(HttpResponsePipeline.Transform) { (_, body) ->
                    when (context.response.status) {
                        HttpStatusCode.OK -> response = body as String
                response = client.post(BASE_URL) {
                    body = data
        return response

iOS code snippet :

@State var response: String = ""

    Button("Click") {
        Repository().getResponse(data: "hello world") { data, error in
            if data != nil {
                response.self = "\(data)"

I get HttpClient: {"output":"...","statusCode":200 } from the Api which I want but it fails anyways.

I tried wrap the post request with CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main){ withContext(Dispatchers.Default){}}

But no luck, any idea why?

Assuming you're on recent Kotlin and library versions, you should enable the new memory model. Put this in gradle.properties


See KaMP Kit for an example.

迁移到Ktor 2.0.0为我解决了很多问题。

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