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vim mapping problem in vimrc file but can not find the mapping that I set

I am using vim-markdown-toc plugin(successfully installed) and want to remapping some hotkey to specific function. I export this code autocmd Filetype markdown noremapb <silent> <Cx> :GenTocMarked to my .vimrc file. But when I type :verbose imap <Cx> , it shows can not find the mapping.

Can anyone tell me what's the problem about this?

and also I also want to ask how to map one hotkey to multiple function?

autocmd Filetype markdown noremapb <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked

has two obvious errors:

  1. noremapb should be noremap , without the b :

     noremap <silent> <Cx> :GenTocMarked
  2. There should be a <CR> at the end:

     noremap <silent> <Cx> :GenTocMarked<CR>

    The right-hand-side of a mapping is a macro: since you press <CR> to execute the command :GenTocMarked , it should be present in the RHS.

Then comes the diagnostic mistake: the :map command, and its non-recursive buddy :noremap create mappings for normal, visual, and operator-pending modes, but :imap prints out insert mode mappings so you can't really expect it to find a mapping created with :map .

Then comes the semantic mistake: the re in noremap is part of nore (short for non-recursive), not of remap . <Cx> is not a mapping so you are not "remapping" anything.

Then comes the scoping mistake: :noremap creates mappings for three modes, which is something you probably don't want. You should be more specific:

" normal mode mapping
nnoremap <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked<CR>

and, finally, the autocommand abuse mistake: there already is a built-in mechanism for sourcing filetype-specific config so there is no need to reinvent the wheel in your vimrc :

" in after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-x> :GenTocMarked<CR>

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