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CSS files not loading correctly on github pages

I am making a calculator app with multiple themes and everything works locally but the problem is occuring on the github pages. Each theme for the calculator has its own css file and I am using javascript to change href of the link tag based on the selected theme (theme-1 is selected by default):


<link rel="stylesheet" id="themeStyleSheet" href="styles/themes/theme-1.css">


const themeSelector = document.querySelector('#themeSelector');
const themeStyleSheet = document.querySelector('#themeStyleSheet');
let themeValue = 1;

function lastSelectedTheme(){
    themeValue = localStorage.getItem('selectedTheme');
    if(themeValue === '1'){
        themeStyleSheet.href = 'styles/themes/theme-1.css';
        themeSelector.value = localStorage.getItem('toggleValue');
    else if(themeValue === '2'){
        themeStyleSheet.href = 'styles/themes/theme-2.css';
        themeSelector.value = localStorage.getItem('toggleValue');
    else if(themeValue === '3'){
        themeStyleSheet.href = 'styles/themes/theme-3.css';
        themeSelector.value = localStorage.getItem('toggleValue');

When I view my page using github it automatically adds ' / ' in the beginning of the href while there is no ' / ' in the original javascript code which is causing the problem (if I remove '/' manually from the developer console then it works)


How do I stop / being added to the href?

Github Repo: https://github.com/FaDiiiLeo/calculator

Github shouldn't be changing your code at all. Looking at your repo, I assume you're using the main branch for the page?

I imagine something probably happened that stopped your commit from deploying. Since your commit was exactly that change here: https://github.com/FaDiiiLeo/calculator/commit/00e6c0120da611f340657b357605e387b6453a90

I would push another commit and check whether it's fixed.

To anyone who needs help with the issue:

  • I linked my css files to my html file by adding a "." (period) before the forward slash in the link href
  • see below example:

Credit: a study buddy showed me this. https://github.com/ramitaarora/final-project-portfolio/blob/main/index.html

Hope it helps!

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