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Pyspark - Padding zeros of array int datatype without pandas udf

Need to left padding in Array column of pyspark dataframe without using pandasudf.

Input Dataframe:

Output Data frame:

You can use array_repeat to create zero padding array and concat them.

Use @ARCrow's function to identify the max array size.

max_arr_size = 3

df = (df.withColumn('pad', F.array_repeat(F.lit(0), max_arr_size - F.size('lags')))
      .withColumn('padded', F.concat('pad', 'lags')))

This is how I did it

import pyspark.sql.functions as f

df = spark.createDataFrame([
], ['lags'])

max_size = (df
            .withColumn('array_size', f.size(f.col('lags')))
df = (df
      .withColumn('lags', f.when(f.col('lags').isNull(), f.array(*[])).otherwise(f.col('lags'))) #to deal with null values
      .withColumn('pre_zeros', f.sequence(f.lit(0), f.lit(max_size) - f.size(f.col('lags'))))
      .withColumn('zeros', f.expr('transform(slice(pre_zeros, 1, size(pre_zeros) - 1), element -> 0)'))
      .withColumn('final_lags', f.concat(f.col('zeros'), f.col('lags')))


And the output is:

|     lags|   pre_zeros|    zeros|final_lags|
|      [0]|   [0, 1, 2]|   [0, 0]| [0, 0, 0]|
|[0, 1, 2]|         [0]|       []| [0, 1, 2]|
|   [0, 1]|      [0, 1]|      [0]| [0, 0, 1]|
|       []|[0, 1, 2, 3]|[0, 0, 0]| [0, 0, 0]|

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