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React-native app stuck on splash screen, works fine on debug mode

My react-native app is running and everything is working fine when I run it in debug mode aka with npx react-native run-android but it gets stuck on splash-screen (doesn't crash) when trying to open the release builds either with npx react-native run-android --variant=release or by exporting apk with assembleRelease command on gradle.

Here's the log I was able to get by using npx react-native log-andoid command: logs .

I can't figure it out what's the issue, is it regarding react-native-gesture-handler ? If yes, then why this error/log doesn't come up in debug builds?

Edit: This log appears in android studio:

2022-05-27 08:42:48.087 0-0/? E/init: updatable process 'console' exited 4 times in 4 minutes
2022-05-27 08:42:48.093 0-0/? I/init: processing action (sys.init.updatable_crashing=1) from (/system/etc/init/flags_health_check.rc:10)
2022-05-27 08:42:48.094 0-0/? I/init: starting service 'exec 3578 (/system/bin/flags_health_check UPDATABLE_CRASHING)'...
2022-05-27 08:42:48.097 0-0/? I/init: SVC_EXEC service 'exec 3578 (/system/bin/flags_health_check UPDATABLE_CRASHING)' pid 2148 (uid 1000 gid 1000+0 context default) started; waiting...
2022-05-27 08:42:48.118 2148-2148/? I/flags_health_check: ServerConfigurableFlagsReset reset_mode value: 1
2022-05-27 08:42:48.118 2148-2148/? I/flags_health_check: ServerConfigurableFlagsReset updatable crashing detected, resetting flags.
2022-05-27 08:42:48.102 0-0/? I/init: Service 'exec 3578 (/system/bin/flags_health_check UPDATABLE_CRASHING)' (pid 2148) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.005000 seconds
2022-05-27 08:42:48.105 0-0/? I/init: Sending signal 9 to service 'exec 3578 (/system/bin/flags_health_check UPDATABLE_CRASHING)' (pid 2148) process group...
2022-05-27 08:42:48.107 0-0/? I/libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 2148 in 0ms
2022-05-27 08:42:48.330 491-491/? E/netmgr: qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:network' service: Invalid argument
2022-05-27 08:42:48.330 491-491/? E/netmgr: Failed to open QEMU pipe 'qemud:network': Invalid argument
2022-05-27 08:42:48.640 495-495/? E/wifi_forwarder: qemu_pipe_open_ns:62: Could not connect to the 'pipe:qemud:wififorward' service: Invalid argument
2022-05-27 08:42:48.640 495-495/? E/wifi_forwarder: RemoteConnection failed to initialize: RemoteConnection failed to open pipe
2022-05-27 08:42:51.339 0-0/? E/ICMPv6: RA: ndisc_router_discovery failed to add default route
2022-05-27 08:42:53.074 0-0/? I/init: starting service 'console'...
2022-05-27 08:42:53.087 0-0/? I/init: Service 'console' (pid 2152) exited with status 0
2022-05-27 08:42:53.091 0-0/? I/init: Sending signal 9 to service 'console' (pid 2152) process group...
2022-05-27 08:42:53.094 0-0/? I/libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 2000 pid 2152 in 0ms
2022-05-27 08:42:53.098 0-0/? E/init: updatable process 'console' exited 4 times in 4 minutes

And in project errors this log

尝试使用 Android Studio 运行您的项目,我认为您会在这里遇到一些错误

try adding org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-json:3.0.10 in your dependency list in the app level build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-json:3.0.10'

Well, after 3 days of suffering I found out what's wrong.

So, a couple of days ago I opened the project on Android Studio and clicked on a popup that said upgrade gradle version which ended up updating my gradle version from 7.0.4 to 7.1.2 causing these problems😢

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