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Nuxt 3 use composable in middleware

I want to guard a route by checking if the user is logged in, but:

  1. I can't read the composable value,
  2. I am unsure if my middleware got the right body.

My composable:

// composable/useAuth.js
const useAuth = () => {

  // user login, sign out, sign up logic

  const isLoggedIn = () => {
    return !!user.value

  return {

export default useAuth

My middleware:

// middleware/check-admin.js
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
  const { isLoggedIn } = useAuth()

  console.log(isLoggedIn); // <- Screenshot

  if (isLoggedIn) {
    return navigateTo(`/albums/${to.params.id}/edit`)
  } else {
    return navigateTo('/')

My console logs a method body. But I expected a falsy or truthy value: 在此处输入图像描述


  • How can I read a boolean value from my composables to pass the test inside the middleware?
  • It is okay to use navigateTo to abort the routing, if the user got no credentials? The docs says, I can use abortNavigation()

You returning function, but never invoke it by using () at the end.

Try like this:

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
  const { isLoggedIn } = useAuth()

  console.log(isLoggedIn()); // <- Screenshot
  // `from.name === login` will trigger rediraction for example if user want to login but he is already logged in.
  // form.name will be necesery if you use suffix `.global` in file name.
  if (isLoggedIn() && to.params.id && !from.params.id && from.name === `login`) {
    return navigateTo(`/albums/${to.params.id}/edit`)
  if (!isLoggedIn() && form.params.id) {
    return abortNavigation()

Use to value to know where user want to navigate.

You can choose where to use middleware in component if you're not using .global suffix in middleware file.

<script setup>
  middleware: ["auth"]
  // or middleware: 'auth'

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