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[Docker][PHP] NumberFormatter::formatCurrency incompatible between 7.4.29 and 7.4.28

(Same as https://github.com/docker-library/php/issues/1301 )

The results of running the following script were different between php:7.4.29-fpm-alpine and php:7.4.28-fpm-alpine .


$fmt = new \NumberFormatter('JA_JP', \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
$formatString = $fmt->formatCurrency(0, 'JPY');



  • php:7.4.28-fpm-alpine (I expects)

     string(4) "¥0"
  • php:7.4.29-fpm-alpine

    string(3) "¥0"

(My) problem

Is there any way to get the results in php:7.4.29-fpm-alpine to be what they were in php:7.4.28-fpm-alpine ? (Is there a workaround?)

Way to reproduce

see https://github.com/sogaoh/reproduce-incompatibility-of-format-currency (README.md)


( unconfirmed ) I'm guessing that there is a similar problem between

  • 8.0.19 and 8.0.18
  • 8.1.6 and 8.1.5

The difference between the two is that the.28 version uses 'Fullwidth Yen Sign, and the.29 version uses ¥ 'Yen Sign.

As noted in the github issue comment, it's likely a change in the underlying ICU library between builds of the image, as opposed to an issue in the image, Alpine, or PHP themselves. As an interim fix you could use a modified image that installs a pinned version of ICU, but YMMV.

Alternatively you could shim in a simple replacement like:

str_replace("\xc2\xa5", "\xef\xbf\xa5", $formatter_output);

Though the issue itself is fairly cosmetic, and IMO the original use of a fullwidth glyph for the currency symbol was the more questionable option.

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