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What's the best way to find old detached HEAD after repo sync?


The simplest way I can imagine is:

  1. git reflog to find A:
HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from A to B
  1. Then you can do anything to A, like
  • create a new branch for it in case missing it again: git switch -c branchname A , or
  • rebase or merge it to the current HEAD: git rebase A / git merge A , then you will see all A, A1, A2, A3 appear on the current HEAD once all conflictions(if any) are resolved, and don't forget to create a new branch with git switch -c .

If there were no additional operations that moved HEAD around, you could use HEAD@{1} to know the exact previous location of HEAD before current. Can use different numbers, of course:

git log HEAD@{1}

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