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R - Finding muliple max values

I have the following sample data set

 Time <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
 Value <- c(0,1,2,3,2,1,2,3,2,1,2,3)

 Data <- data.frame(Time, Value)

I would like to automatically find each maximum for the Value column and create a new data frame with only the Value and associated Time. In this example, maximum values occur every fourth time interval. I would like to group the data into bins and find the associated max value.

I kept my example simple for illustrative purposes, however, keep in mind:

  1. Each max value in my data set will be different
  2. Each max value is not guaranteed to occur at equal intervals but rather, I can guarantee that each max value will occur within a range (ie a bin) of time values.

Thank you for any help with this process!

You could find the local maxima by finding the points where the diff of the sign of the diff of the Value column is negative.

Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
#>   Time Value
#> 4    4     3
#> 8    8     3

We can see that this works in a more general case too:

 Time <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
 Value <- sin(Time)
 Data <- data.frame(Time, Value)
 plot(Data$Time, Data$Value)
 Data2 <- Data[which(diff(sign(diff(Data$Value))) < 0) + 1,]
 abline(v = Data2$Time, col = 'red')



Following more info from the OP, it seems we are looking for the maxima within a 120-second window. This being the case, we can get the solution more easily like this:

bin_size <- 4 # Used for example only, will be 120 in real use case

Data %>% 
  mutate(Bin = floor((Time - 1) / bin_size)) %>%
  group_by(Bin) %>%
  filter(Value == max(Value))
#> # A tibble: 3 x 3
#> # Groups:   Bin [3]
#>    Time Value   Bin
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     4     3     0
#> 2     8     3     1
#> 3    12     3     2

Obviously in the real data, change bin_size to 120.

Maybe this one?


Data %>% 

  Time Value
1    4     3
2    8     3
3   12     3

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