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i18next how to use the Trans component in React Native

How to apply a bold weight to certain parts of the translation using the Trans component in React Native?

Since HTML tags like <strong></strong> don't work, we have to create our own custom <Strong/> component that applies certain text styling to the translation, but I don't know how to do that despite reading the docs ?


import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';

function MyComponent({ person, messages }) {
  const { name } = person;
  const count = messages.length;

  return (
    <Trans i18nKey="userMessagesUnread" count={count}>
      Hello <strong title={t('nameTitle')}>{{name}}</strong>, you have {{count}} unread message. <Link to="/msgs">Go to messages</Link>.

i guess you can use <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{{name}}</Text> instead of <strong title={t('nameTitle')}>{{name}}</strong> .

or using useTranslation

import React from 'react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';

export function MyComponent() {
  const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();
  // or const [t, i18n] = useTranslation();

  return <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>{t('my translated text')}</Text>

don't test yet

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